Microsoft Offered Devs $100,000 To Bring Game To Win Phone 7

16 November, 2010 Microsoft




Microsoft has pursued a rather aggressive strategy when it comes to getting apps up and running for its new Windows Phone platform, even offering cash incentives to developers to bring their apps over.

PopCap Games, who make Plants vs Zombies, has revealed that Microsoft had a cool $100,000 on the table if PopCap brought the game over to Windows Phone. As enticing as that offer was PopCap declined, citing various strings attached to the offer that they said they would have trouble accepting.

PopCap did bring Bejweled to Win Phone 7 and as they commented to GigaOm, "
We were not sure we could meet the commitment but we already identified we wanted to be on there. If the platform succeeds, the dollars we were kicking around the table will be peanuts."

Foursquare was another company offered cash upfront to develop for Windows Phone. Originally Foursquare had decided that they would wait until Windows Phone hit 10 million sales before developing an app for it, but they changed their minds when Microsoft decided to pay for the development costs.

Whilst some may criticise Microsoft for paying to win, it does meant hat early adopters of Windows Phone 7 have access to many of the most popular apps found on other platforms. It also means that Windows Phone gets out of the starting blocks looking ready for business, a re-assuring sign that many customers may look for.



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