Mobile OS's on markets All goes Down, Google goes UP!

18 July, 2010 Other


Market research firm comScore has released some very interesting figures that show Google's Android platform surging up the U.S. market share rankings with an increase of 4% in the first 3 months of this year. A 4% increase is notable in and of itself of course, but what makes this increase particularly interesting is that Android is the only major smartphone OS in the U.S. that didn't see a decline in its market share during the same period. RIM, for example, saw its 42.1% share dip 0.4% to 41.7% and Apple saw a larger decline of 1% in the same period. Of course Android's market share as a whole still lags behind both RIM and Apple, indeed Apple commands almost double the share of Android and RIM is still by and far the leader of the pack. However, these figures would seem to suggest a significant swing in favour of Android, but caution is also advised due to the fact that these figures are pre-iPhone 4. When the next set of quarterly results are made known later in the year the iPhone 4, along with major Android releases like the EVO, may have had enough of an impact to see these figures turned on their head, or perhaps not if the figure of 77% of iPhone 4 buyers being existing iPhone owners is to be believed


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