Mobile VoIP company Rebtel hits 10 million users

12 March, 2011 Apps

z rebtel Mobile VoIP company Rebtel hits 10 million users!

Rebtel, which is apparently the world second largest mobile VoIP company after Skype, announced that it has surpassed 10 million users worldwide after a "record breaking twelve months" and increased revenues of more than 120% to $40 million in 2010. Unsurprisingly cause they are starting from a smaller base Rebtel is currently growing five times faster than Skype and plans to continue the trend and almost double its revenue to $75 million by the end of 2011 with a current run-rate of $55 million.

Since its inception in 2006, Rebtel users made 200 million calls, spending over 1 billion minutes along the way. The company provides its mobile app for a number of platforms including the iPhone, Blackberry and Android.

And apparently their users love the service with 98% of them stating they would recommend Rebtel to a friend. Moreover, users do not just say but actually do so, with 65% of new user registrations coming from word of mouth.


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