Motorola Atrix 4G pre-orders begin today at ATT

13 February, 2011 Motorola

March 6th is the official street date, but you can lay down your money for Motorola modular smartphone right now, as the Atrix 4G and its suite of incredible Webtop docks are now available for pre-order. $200 buys you the biometric HSPA+ smartphone on a two-year contract, and it will cost you an additional $300 to turn it into a portable netbook of sorts though as we feared, yo will need to pay $45 a month for the DataPro 4GB + Tethering data plan to actually use it on the go.

Another bummer is that the HD Multimedia Dock will run $130, agood bit more than we thought we would see it for. All in all, the Atrix is looking like quite an investment, so perhaps you would be best served waiting for our full review. But do not let us tell you what to do with your hard-earned dough.



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