Motorola DROID Bionic coming in September

31 July, 2011 Motorola



I mentioned two days ago that the DROID Bionic might be coming this September, and Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha confirmed it yesterday during Motorola Q2 earnings call. The DROID Bionic will be coming to Verizon some time this September, so those who have been waiting for it since CES will not have to sit around watching other cool Android handsets pass by much longer.

"Motorola Mobility CEO Sanjay Jha said that the Droid Bionic, its first LTE handset for Verizon Wireless, will arrive in September. The phone was announced at CES in January, but had been delayed due to software issues."

We are glad to hear that software issues were sorted before launching, because we also know what its like when devices are released prematurely and users are left waiting for updates to sort bugs.


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