Motorola Xoom Super Bowl Ad (Video)

7 February, 2011 Motorola

xoom super bowl ad Motorola Xoom Super Bowl Ad Debuts With A Familiar Anti Establishment Twist

We have already seen a preview of Motorola Super Bowl Ad so far, and we even got some hands-on with the  real deal, but the full Super Bowl Ad has finally been posted online, following the Android tablet’s commercial debut in front of millions of Packers and Steelers fans. The ad evokes solidarity against the prevailing domination of Apple iPad, channeling the iPhone-maker own 1984 anti-Microsoft commercial.

Since we have already seen a good chunk of this ad before, we are not surprised with what we see. The actors wearing the all-white cloaks are obviously Apple customers, seemingly living out their existence as mindless Apple clones. The rebel actor is the guy with the Android-powered Xoom tablet. Its clear that Motorola is telling the world that there are more options available than what you will find in Apple walled-garden, and that its Android offerings will help you break free of Apple growing role as the new Big Brothee of tech. The message in the ad is clear, and Motorola is not ashamed to push that message to the millions of Super Bowl XLV watchers.


As for the specifics, the commercial backbround music works really well with the cinematography to evoke certain emotions curiosity, desire, and anti-Apple rebelliousness. The ad shows the guy with the Xoom in his efforts trying to woo the i-Girl he works with, and does so by making a video on the tablet for her. We really were not expecting the ad to go in this direction, as you really do not know anything about the tablet besides a couple of features, like a camera.

Either way, we are glad we can finally enjoy the the whole ad. Hopefully this will be the beginning of many more Xoom ads before it hits Verizon shelves. Until then, however, we will just keep watching our hands-on video that gives you a better feel for what this powerful Android Honeycomb tablet can really do.


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