Motorola Xoom going for $800

7 February, 2011 Motorola

motorola xoom best buy Motorola Xoom going for $800, Wi Fi locked down for one month?

The Motorola Xoom seemed to be almost everything anyone could have wanted in an Android tablet at this point. It will be running the tablet-optimized version of Android, Honeycomb, and sports a dual-core processor.

According to a leaked Best Buy ad for the Xoom, this not-so-little tablet is going to run for $800. Let me spell that out for you: eight hundred dollars. For that kind of dough, you can buy a very capable Windows laptop, and for $200 more you can spring for a MacBook Air. Who on earth would fork over $800 for this thing when every single current iPad version except for the 64GB 3G version is less than that?

Moreover, we are hearing that Wi-Fi will be locked down for the first month at Verizon. What does that mean? The leaked Best Buy ad says the following:

“To activate WiFi functionality on this device, a minimum of one month data subscription is required.”

Now that you have picked yourself up off the floor, you can feel free to rant and rave in the comments about this move. But before you do, its worth considering that this just might be something Best Buy is doing not necessarily Verizon. Best Buy does have to activate these in order to sell them, and perhaps its an incentive to activate the Xoom with a data package thats good for at least a month.

The Motorola Xoom is set to launch February 24 according to the Best Buy documentation, but do not go running to retail stores all at once now.


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