Motorola decides to never mention MOTOBLUR again

10 June, 2011 Motorola




If you are a hardware manufacturer pumping out Android smartphones, then chances are you have decided to tweak Google default user interface so your user experience does not look anything like what the competition offers. Samsung got TouchWiz, HTC has Sense, Sony Ericsson has Timescape, and Motorola has MOTOBLUR. Mobile enthusiasts hate all of them, but its MOTOBLUR that receives the most amount of criticism. 

Motorola has a knack for making brilliant devices, but then it all goes to hell once their software engineers load up whatever it is they coded up in an effort to appear "unique". At the recent Sprint/Motorla event where thePhoton 4G and Triumph were announced, the word MOTOBLUR was never mentioned. Curious as to the reason why, I asked around and were by Motorola officials that they are "moving away from the name", in part due to public feedback. In other words, people despise MOTOBLUR so much that the brand itself will die, yet the software will live on.

This is not the first time the public has taken a shit on Motorola. Back in April they asked their customers, via Facebook, which applications they would like to see Android developers create. The top 7 requests were pleas to offer an unlocked bootloader, something that would enable people to easily load custom ROMs on their device, freeing them of the tyranny of MOTOBLUR. Request number 8 was an option to remove MOTOBLUR all together.


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