Motorola tab is Ready for Launch

13 September, 2010 Motorola


It looks like Motorola will soon be joining the other companies (Apple, Samsung, Amazon, JooJoo..etc) with a tablet device on sale if inventory listing reports are to be believed. American network Verizon currently has a device known as the MZ600 listed on its database and it is categorised as a tablet. Most likely the device will launch late this year or perhaps early next year, but that could mean that it might go on sale running Gingerbread instead of Froyo. Other rumoured specifications include a Tegra 2 chip from Nividia.


Moto tab

What the end device will actually be like is still open to speculation at the moment so its unknown whether it wll be a large phone in the way that the Dell Streak is or whether its something more akin to the Galaxy Tab. Either way the tablet market is certainly starting to fill up fast.


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