NVIDIA announces quad-core Kal-El SoC, coming to tablets on August (MWC11)

16 February, 2011 Technology



NVIDIA announced their new quad-core Kal-El processor at the MWC 2011 and even showcased bragging about its computing skills. It should be the next Tegra 3 but for now we’ll have to get used to the codename Kal-El.


big NVIDIA announces quad core Kal El SOC, coming to a tablet near you this August


The new processor should be running at a 1.5GHz with all its four cores. NVDIA has even promised up to 12 hours of HD playback, so the new processor should be more efficient than Tegra 2. Better battery life, in layman terms, I hope. And the NVDIA Kal-El should be, what, 5 times faster than the current Tegra 2! Thats serious power for a handheld device.




The NVIDIA Roadmap actually put the new Kal-El in first place and, taking a closer look, we see that three new processors are lined up for the next 3 years. Codename Wayne is scheduled for 2012, Logan for 2013 and Stark for 2014. NVIDIA obviously have big plans for future tablets and smartphones.




We are guessing that the name will change to something like Tegra 3 or 4, because interestingly enough, the Kal-El nickname derives from Superman birth name, before he came to Earth and was named Clark Kent.



Video below!

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