No Fragmented Updates For Windows Phone 7

11 November, 2010 Windows Phone 7

windows phone 7


Microsoft are taking a firm hand when it comes to Windows Phone 7 updates, saying that they, and they alone, will be responsible for updating customers handsets. Its a far cry from Android whre individual manufacturers and networks push out updates when they are ready to do so, often meaning two different people with the same device are running two different versions of Android.


WP7 Wrappanel

In an interview with ZDNet Microsoft commented:

"Microsoft will push Windows Phone 7 software updates to end users and all Windows Phone 7 devices will be eligible for updates."

Of course this sort of universal control is made possible by the minimum specifications Microsoft set for devices as well as their insistence that manufacturers and networks do not tamper with the UI, etc. It will certainly be a great boost to the new platform and immediately removes one of the biggest weaknesses found in Android. 


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