No More Microsoft Phones

18 September, 2010 Microsoft




Microsoft has gone on the record as saying that they are not planning on their own handset any time soon. The comments came from CFO of mobile communication during a conference call: "We are in the software business nd that is where our business will be focused". The move is not all that surprising really given Microsoft failure with their much publicized Kin  (Kin one, Kin Two projects has been canceled) devices. That little venture pretty much crashed and burned before it had even gotten off the ground and reportedly cost Redmond a not very cool $240 million.


windows phone

Contrast this with other companies in the smartphone space who are increasingly taking on both hardware and software roles. Most famously of course there is Apple, but even HTC is paying more attention to their UI and related services these days. Microsoft then is going in the opposite direction and it is in the fact the exact same direction they took with regards to the desktop computer market back in the 80s and 90s.


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