Nokia Better than Google on Maps ?

14 September, 2010 Nokia

Nokia Ovi Maps


Nokia have been talking up their in-house Ovi Maps platform, and consequently talking down Google Maps in the process. Vice president of markets at Nokia has made the claim that Ovi Maps is in fact better than Google Maps and its all due to features such as the side-loading of map data rather than 3G streaming and pedestrian navigation as well as Underground route advice.

Nokia, not Google, is the leader in mobile navigation. We lead the market in terms of functionality and reach. Ovi Maps, unlike Google, offers pedestrian navigation, as well as the best line to take on the Underground, plus on Ovi Maps you do not need to be connected. Thanks to this, Ovi Maps is far less data hungry than Google service, because we are optimised for mobile use."

All very well and good, but the claims do not completely stack up, for one thing Google does actually have pedestrian directions for Google Maps on Android handsets. At any rate its certainly fighting words from Nokia and they are playing to win, summing up their attitude Savander said
This is a space we intend to own.


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