Nvidia introduces Tegra Zone for Android

12 January, 2011 Technology


And if that Tegra 2 scoop yesterday was not enough, today we have a little bit extra. Nvidia will be releasing an Android app called Tegra Zone, which should be the easiest way of finding Android applications that make the most out of the power the dual-core beast provides.


For your convenience, the Tegra Zone will offer reviews, high-res screenshots and HD trailers for the apps that it lists. After you have chosen an app, the Tegra Zone will use the Android Market to wrap up the purchase. NVIDIA points out that the current Market poor support of large files has been putting developers off to provide great games to the Android community. The company addresses this issue by giving the devs unlimited storage to host their applications.


Gameloft, one of the largest game developing companies, has also been invited by NVIDIA to join the Tegra Zone. As you may know, Gameloft does not offer its games on the Android Market, but maybe this will change if the two companies come to some sort of agreement.


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