Original Angry Birds and Rio are not left out for Eater

7 April, 2011 Apps


Easter is coming and you know how RovioMobile, the developer of the blockbuster game Angry Birds rolls when a major holiday is just around the corner. Yes, an Easter update to Angry Birds Seasons is imminent and is coming later this month, as Rovio themselves tweeted recently.

The exact number of levels the update is going to include is not clear yet, but I personally expect around 15 levels worth of pig slaying. But thats not all the original Angry Birds and the latest Angry Birds Rio will also get updated.

@Grace_Kyles_Mom Angry Birds Seasons will get an amazing update for Easter, the other two will get updates in May
AB Rio twit normal Angry Birds Seasons gets an update for Easter, the original Angry Birds and Rio are not left out
Angry Birds



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