Original white iPhone 4 panels on sale For 280 USD!!

20 November, 2010 Apple



An inventive USA teenager has found a way to import to the US lots of original white iPhone 4 panels from Foxconn. He is now selling the complete white conversion kit for 280 USD. Its not cheap, but that is because it comes with the Retina display included plus you will be one of the very few showing off with original white iPhone 4 thats worth something on its own Just do not hesitate too long, the guy may soon end up in jail.

The 17-years old student Fei Lam knew some guys in Foxconn, which supplied him with the original white iPhone 4 panels. He made a website to sell them and has been enjoying a thriving business. So far Fei Lam has reportedly earned over 130,000 US dollars money he intends to use for college.




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