Overlock your Moto Droid with a Finger Press

23 October, 2010 Motorola


What a world we live in when overclocking your handset now no longer requires geeky credentials or really any knowledge of the underlying firmware. Instead all you have to do is download an app and a higher clock speed is a finger jab away! Well at least for Droid X and Droid 2 owners.

The hubbub comes courtesy of the DX/D2 Overclocker app for Android, which works to overclock the afore mentioned handsets. The app, released by Unstable Apps (perhaps not the best choice of names for a company releasing an app that could potentially ruin your handset) allows the user to run their handset at either a low voltage setting, the default setting or two designated voltages that are above the recommended limit. The upper limit of the app apparently being 1.3 Ghz.


The app is available in the Market For $0.99


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