Ovi Store Getting 3 Million Downloads A Day

20 November, 2010 Nokia






Nokia have announced that their Ovi Store is now recording some 3 million downloads per day. Now whilst many may sneer at that figure given how popular Android and iOS have become it is still impressive when you consider that the Ovi Store only has 18,000 content itles currently available.




The 3 million mark also comes just a month after Nokia broke the 2 million downloads per day barrier so again not too shabby at all. Nokia has also managed to persuade 400,000 devs to join its developer programme over the past year. Some of the devs represented in the Ovi Store have even managed to see their content downloaded more than in Apple App Store. Crazy Hamster, for example, hit 200,000 downloads faster through Ovi than it did through Apple.

All of this is good news for Nokia of course, especially as the company hopes to attract an additional 50 million Symbian users over the next year. However, Symbian marketshare has been declining, recent figures from Gartner show that Android is drawing closer at a rapid pace and of course both Apple and Android have app stores that dwarf Nokia's Ovi Store, both in terms of volumes and in mindshare.

With manufacturers like Sony Ericsson and Samsung having effectively dropped Symbian Nokia is pretty much the only game left in town when it comes to Symbian handsets. That will not be helping Ovi any and Nokia may find that the going gets tougher as it tries to make sure that the Ovi Store continues to see those download numbers rise at a brisk pace.




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