Pre 2 Made Official and Release this week in France

19 October, 2010 WebOS



HP have stepped forth and ended the speculation surrounding the Pre 2... by announcing it. The new handset, as seen in leaked pictures before now, will launch on SFR in France this Friday with Verizon in the U.S. and an unnamed Canadian network getting their hands on it in the coming weeks. No word as yet of availability on any other networks or in any more countries.

The handset keeps the same basic design as the original Pre, but there are some tweaks here and there, not to mention some hefty improvements beneath the hood, The display will be glass with a sleeker, streamlined design or to put it another way its a Pre only thinner. The processor has been beefed up to 1 Ghz and the camera will also see a boost to 5 MP.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Pre 2, like the original, is the underlying OS powering the device. webOS 2.0 will see some new features introduced such as HP Synergy for linking up email and social media accounts alongside support for Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. HP are also promising users true multitasking.


So stay tuned for More info about this phone Soon!


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