Qualcomm CEO Announced a 1.5 GHz Chips

11 September, 2010 Technology



Paul Jacobs the CEO of Qualcomm announced that Qualcomm would be releasing 1.5 GHz chips in Q1 of next year at a recent appearance on stage in London. That great news and of course Qualcomm share price went up on the revelation. Unfortunately it was not true. Qualcomm PR team then had to clarify their CEO's gaffe and say that the faster chips will not be released until a good bit later on, mostly probably towards the end of 2011.

Qualcomm Head quarters

The 1.2 GHz chips is currently with manufacturers for testing and will see dual-core chips and support for 1080p video recording and playback. The new chips also promise better graphics for gaming and lower power consumption. So still good news for consumers, but Mr Jacobs might like to get his numbers right next time.




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