RIM BlackBerry PlayBook Specs Confirmed (Video)

20 October, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)



We Know Many things about the 7-inch BlackBerry PlayBook tablet from its announcement. Some new details have been reported at the GITEX expo in Dubai. They include the tablet’s battery capacity and its onboard storage. It seems like BlackBerry PlayBook will have similar storage versions to the iPad 16, 32 and 64GB.

Besides the dual-core 1GHz processor, 1GB RAM, the 3 and 5 megapixel cameras, sweet 1080p video encoding/decoding and the already mentioned onboard storage, BlackBerry PlayBook will pack a 5300 mAh battery. Lets hope it will provide enough juice for long-time work with the BlackBerry Tablet OS.

And this Makes it the First Multi-Core, Multi processing, Multi-Tasking Tablet on the Market!



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