RIM CEO Discloses Playbook Module Cavity

18 November, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)


Blackberry CEO Jim Balsillie was on stage at the Web 2.0 conference today and he managed to drop in a little nugget about the forthcoming Playbook. Balsillie mentioned that the device featured a module cavity, which would allow for extra functionality to be added to the device.

He did not specify exactly what would be added, but he did suggest the posssbility of WWAN. He also talked about NFC, as had Google CEO the previous day. Balsillie mentioned that RIM would be fools not to embrace NFC, adding that "... we are not fools." Could we see NFC being added through the module cavity perhaps?

At any rate Mr Balsillie did not have a Playbook on hand to show off, unlike Eric Schmidt and his Nexus S demoing ways. Ah well, patience is a virtue as they say.


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