RIM New Trademark "SurfBook" the Upcoming Blackpad

22 September, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)

Surf book



Do you remember the speculation surrounding the rumoured tablet device from RIM, specifically the name of the device, which increasingly looked to be the "BlackPad" ? Well it seems that this might not be the name after all if a trademark filing RIM has made is anything to go by. The trademark is for the name "SurfBook", which thankfully sounds Old than "BlackPad" does. Interestingly enough though there is some chatter that the new tardemark may be due to a RIM tablet not actually running the BlackBerry OS after all.

RIM purchased software company QNX back in April and there is some speculation that it may very well be software from QNX that makes it onto their tablet device. It would certainly explain the name change.




Black pad imagination


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