RIM and Saudi Arabia reach preliminary agreement

8 August, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)



RIM and the Government of Saudi Arabia with the Communication Company STC ( Saudi TeleCommunication ) After Banning the Blackberry service for over two weeks until Now. They met and agreed that will allow for a RIM server to be placed inside the country. The government will be able to monitor messages to make sure that no terror or criminal activity is being planned with the phones. Earlier Friday, Messaging, e-mail and web browsing was suspended and then quickly restored.


E-mails going from a Black Berry to a company server and from the server to the recipient's phone are encrypted. Once inside the server, they are decoded to sort and distribute them, and the Saudis will be able to get the data they want to see, from the RIM server and this Technology will give the Arabic part the security he wants and to RIM it will peed up the system than before as local servers will be much more faster than before. But BB Users will have to wait until the servers are Established to activate the service again.


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