Samsung Galaxy S III may have a quad-core processor [Video]

28 October, 2011 Samsung



With the Samsung Galaxy S II having set the benchmark for hardware among Android smartphones, people are having very high expectations from the inevitable Galaxy S III. The rumors are that it will have a quad-core processor and while they may just have been baseless assumptions before it seems more of a reality now.

Samsung has just announced that they will be launching a new Exynos processor in 2012 that will use ARM big.LITTLE technology. So what is this big. The new Exynos processor will combine the new Cortex-A15 MPCore processor with the new Cortex-A7 MPCore processor on a single chip and will switch between the two as and when required.

The Cortex-A15 is the heavy lifter here and will be handling all the power hungry tasks whereas simpler tasks will be handles by the Cortex-A7. The Cortex-A7 is designed to be very power efficient, which means the device will be using 70% less power while running on the A7. Think of it as the Optimus Technology from NVidia, where it switches to a low power GPU when not doing graphics heavy task, except here both the processors will be on a single chip.


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