Samsung Galaxy SII to get an Update that increase icons size 30-percent and a system update widget

9 October, 2011 Samsung


Galaux S II

Samsung has announced that they will be releasing an update for the popular Galaxy S II smartphone that will increase the size of the on-screen application icons by 30-percent. This means that after the update the homescreen will show just three icons at the bottom and even the application menu grid will be reduced to a 3x3 grid.

While we do not know the exact reason for this but its not hard to imagine what it could be. Currently, Apple is in a legal battle with Samsung for copying the trade dress of the iPhone. After applying this update, the Galaxy S II UI will share very little similarities with the iPhone UI, making Apple complaint almost a non-issue.

Other change that this update will bring is a System Update widget. It will inform you of the current version of the software and if there are any new updates available.


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