Samsung says that iPad is (Weaker) Than the Galaxy Tab

9 September, 2010 Samsung


Samsung have been talking up the Galaxy Tab and taking some shots at the iPad in the process.  Samsung head of product planning (on the photo below) said that in his opinion there were not any features on the Galaxy tab that were weaker than the Apple iPad. He pointed out the Tab strengths such as being able to make voice and video calls, something the iPad cannot do as its an iPad on an iPhone so the Galaxy Tab is combining both iPad and iPhone on a same device.


He also mentioned the weight of the device saying "consumer research tells us that a lighter weight is very critical to enjoy performance." as the iPad is bigger and a little too heavy for single handed usage for extended periods. The Tab on the hand is about half the weight of the iPad. As if to underline Mr Hong added "the most important thing for the Galaxy Tab is portability."

If the Tab available on retails Stores for around £600 without contract!


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