Samsung to announce 5.8 inch Android smartphone

18 January, 2013 Samsung

Samsung is apparently trying to get an Android device on the market for every screen size ever theorized and they announced. Not exactly a media player, but a smartphone, Galaxy Player is hard to place in today's market. According to the latest information from SamMobile's insider that Samsung will soon announce the Galaxy Fonblet 5.8 (GT-I9152). The model number indicates that this device will have DUAL-SIM support and will also feature a 5.8″ Display, same as the one on the Galaxy Player 5.8. The Galaxy Fonblet 5.8 will come in Pure White colour. For Samsung white is the new black. We expect this device to run Android 4.1.2/4.2.1 Jelly Bean out of the box.


And of course the nexus 7 that stormed the tablet world taking no prisoners with it's high specs and low price and is still considered by a number of online Reviewers to be the king of the hill for modestly priced tablets as it contains a full arsenal of features and does not imprison it's buyers into a padded cell like environment like some other OS do.


Even so, a 5.8-inch device is still more pocket-able than a 7-inch tablet, so the new Galaxy Player isn't necessarily doomed right away. I guess it will all depend on the price, which isn't yet known.




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