Samsung to offer flexible displays in 2012

31 October, 2011 Samsung

Samsung Bend it!


After Nokia previewed its upcoming Kinetic device prototypes with flexible displays, Samsung wants to make sure it gets a share of the spotlight too. The company showed off its own flexible display technology at CES 2011, and is now ready to declare that it aims to start shipping them in 2012. The first batch of flexible displays will be for smartphones only, but Samsung plans to put larger counterparts in tablets later on.

This new technology will unlock an entire new world of mobile devices. Perhaps one day not too long from now we will see a cell phone you can roll up and slide into a bag, but thats only the beginning. Nokia already had a UI of its own prepared specifically for flexible displays. To control the contents on screen, you would bend and twist the device in certain directions. Some say this could be the biggest change for mobile user interfaces since Apple multi-touch technology was introduced in 2007.


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