Saudi Arabia Decides to shutdown All BlackBerry services

7 August, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)

BB Market

Discussions have been heating up in the past week in the Middle East and some other parts of Asia about RIM's BlackBerry services and Every government request to have a power and control on RIM Servers or Make local ones inside the Middle-east and Give its control power to the government and that what RIM declined and Refused to do as she said "They won't risk losing More Blackberry users and their requests to use the service " and that threading the BB sales in Middle-East as people won't buy a phone they won't be able to use on their own countries as UAE, Indonesia and Egypt is Now Banning the BB services.

And today Saudi Arabia becomes the first country to act on that threat. BlackBerry services in the kingdom are now suspended, according to users.

The Saudi Telecommunications authority had given the country’s top three mobile phone providers the order to shut down BlackBerry messaging services or face fines of 1.3 million dollars.

As far as RIM is concerned, what's being asked from them here is simply impossible, as the communication between its customers and its servers is encrypted. And RIM doesn't have access to the on-device decryption keys on its users BlackBerry smartphones.

Saudia Arabia Market


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