Shazam updates its Android app with music previews

29 June, 2011 Apps




Shazam updated its Android application with a new feature music previews. As a result, Shazamers are able to listen to a 30-second clip of a song they have tagged, helping them decide if they like it and want to buy it. Whats more, music previews will also work when browsing through tag history, friends tags in Shazam Friends, or tags featured in Shazam Tag Chart and Recommendations. On the downside, this feature is limited to users in select countries, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland.


In addition, the new version of Shazam for Android also comes with improved tag results page which now comes with larger cover art. Moreover, the location feature is also included, showing users where they were when they Shazam would a track.


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