Siri would let anyone bypass your iPhone lockscreen pass code

14 October, 2011 Apple

Apple Siri


The iPhone Voice Control feature is present for quite some time in the iOS. If you have ever used a passcode on your lockscreen for protection, you should be already familiar you should disable the Voice Dial from the settings otherwise everyone can call anyone he likes.

Well, enter the much more capable iPhone 4S Siri. Guess what, it would still work from your lockscreen by default even if you have set a passcode for your iPhone 4S. You can already imagine how someone who gets access to your locked phone can perform all these clever tasks you have seen on the demos like extract all sorts of info about you, your regime and they can even call whoever they like. On the iPhone 4 you are in much the same danger with Voice control though its far less capable and versatile than Siri.

To protect yourself from these sorts of perils, its best that you dig in your Passcode options. From there, you will be able to turn off the Voice Dial or Siri functionality on the lockscreen.



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