SkyFire for iPhone Next Week may comes with Flash inside

26 August, 2010 Apple




Skyfire It is the smartphone browser that was chewing through Flash video and other rich media long before any of the built-in browsers were supporting such things. What the iPhone 4 Really Needs a browser with rich Media supporting as Adobe Flash... As Skyfire always connecting to Flash and always support rich media websites and skyfire stick with this mission to bring people all they need in one browser Easy, Fast and very free! So it may be mean that iPhone 4 May get Flash support with the iOS4 Skyfire browser but their is No confirmation yet

It is by no means official just yet, but a pair of much-trusted little birdies have just informed me that SkyFire has just entered the final testing phase of what they intend to be the first public iPhone build, with plans to submit to Apple early next week.



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