Some Motorola Droid 2 Units Having Signal Issues

14 August, 2010 Motorola



Do you Remember Apple and its Antenna gate... Apple has removed All mobile phones but Now the Moto DROID 2 will bing these case to live again. Many Motorola users that have a DROID 2 has reported a Signal issue on their own phones, The signal on one of the two units is dipping from full signal down to nearly none and the user or the phone is sitting in the same spot with No Moving. However this spot is fully covered and in Open-Air!

Motorola didn't make any announcement about this until now and Users didn't get any Hotfix update. But it may this Hotfix is useless as this issue may caused by a Hardware Bug not a Software Bug and that will be a Bigger problem to Motorola. It the Same story of the iPhone 4 happening again but Apple with iOS 4.0.1 resolved the issue as it was a software issue bot on the Antenna itself!


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