Sony Ericsson FB Survey of how you want the microUSB look!

8 April, 2011 Sony Ericsson


Most phone manufacturers are very proactive on Facebook recently, reaching to their fans mainly for product advertising and news. Sony Ericsson is taking this initiative one step further, and asks its Facebook fans about how their future microUSB cables should look like. As you can see in the photos above, there are three choices for you to consider the straight connecting cable or the two that are top or bottom-angled.


gsmarena 002 Sony Ericsson wants YOU to vote how their future microUSB cables should look like

Sony Commented: "We are currently thinking about which design we should use for our USB plugs, which do you think we should use? Hit like on whichever USB connection you think we should use, and why not comment on it to let us know why too?"


To enter in the survey and place your vote for the microUSB cable configuration you like, click on the corresponding picture and give it a "Like". The one with most "Likes" is most likely going to be Sony Ericsson new design for their microUSB cables.


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