Sony Ericsson Projector Phone With Projector Screen

10 December, 2010 Sony Ericsson


An interesting wee patent from Sony Ericsson has turne dup depicting a device with an inbuilt projection screen. Yes I did type projection screen and not projector, although it has one of those too.

The idea of cramming a projector into a phone is nothing new of course, there have been designs and patents before, but it's never been a technology thats gotten off the ground and found mass appeal. Probably because of the limited use it would find outside business types.

Anyway, Sony Ericsson idea here, as you can see in the patent illustration, is to include an extendible projector screen in the device. That pretty much instantly solves the dilemma of having to find a suitable projection surface and it also gives you a hefty chunk more of display space for things like watching films.



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