Sony Ericsson Working on its own WinPhone 7 Device

1 October, 2010 Sony Ericsson

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The head of Microsoft Windows Phone 7 UK division, has confimed that Sony Ericsson are working on a handset for the forthcoming platform. In an interview Mr Ran said "Sony Ericsson are working on at least one Windows Phone 7 device." The added emphasis is our own. So not only will Sony Ericsson be joining the ranks of the nascent OS, but it could very well be releasing multiple devices.

Of course this comes on the heels of Sony Ericsson all but ditching Symbian so some may wonder if they are simply swapping one OS for another and the same problem of being over stretched will remain. To be fair Symbian is a tired old platform that has been leaking fans left, right, and centre. Win Phone 7, whilst still an unknown quantity, does at least have a bit of zeitgeist to it and is gaining column inches as the launch approaches. Sony Ericsson could do a lot worse than to at least experiment with what could be a significant platform in the smartphone space.


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