Sony Ericsson XPERIA Neo not coming to the UK until July

8 April, 2011 Sony Ericsson


It looks like the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Neo will not be hitting UK shores and getting into the hands of prospective buyers as early as the 19 April.


UK retailer Clove who originally reported that release date have stated that: "We published this information on good faith, but since this post, there has been discussion of delays and we have now have official confirmation from Sony Ericsson that the Neo will not be launched until July in the UK market".

It would appear that the delay stems from the disruption caused by the Japanese earthquakes and as such this has created a knock-on effect to Sony Ericsson supply chain. "They are working to find alternative supply solutions, but at this time, July is the earliest release date that Sony Ericsson wish to commit too".


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