Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY gets 720p video recording

23 September, 2011 Sony Ericsson

gsmarena 001 Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY gets 720p video recording, automatic display brightness adjustment


The headline may come as a shock to some but its true. It seems in an effort to make a great gaming phone, Sony Ericsson forgot to add some basic features in the Xperia PLAY that are expected in a phone that costs as much as it does.

Thankfully, the error has been corrected and after the latest firmware update, the Xperia PLAY is now capable of recording videos in 720p resolution, that too with continuous auto-focus. You will also be able to get the option toggle the automatic display brightness option from the settings menu. Interestingly, this second option is absent from the latest 2.3.4 update on both the Xperia arc as well as the Xperia neo.


720p Sample Below!


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