Sony Ericsson teaches you kernel building

10 May, 2011 Sony Ericsson


The Sony Ericsson Developer Blog recently published details including a step by step walk-through showing code-savvy users how to build and then flash their own custom Linux kernels onto their Sony Ericsson Android devices. Building on feedback taken from forums such as XDA, the walk-through aims to help users get around troubles such as building and flashing your own custom image .


Once you have unlocked the boot loader, the walk-through shows you how to build a kernel and configure compatibility with the ARM architecture used on Sony Ericsson handsets. It then progresses to creating your custom image and finally flashing it to your device. There is a whole host more information on what to do and how it works in the source article but its great to see companies like Sony Ericsson opening up their devices in this way and a shame that more do not. Whats more, its great Sony Ericsson is embracing the open-source dev community and is trying to be as friendly as possible.


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