Sony PSP NGP Hands-on Gameplay (Video)

2 February, 2011 Sony Ericsson


Its been a week since the next-gen PSP NGP was announced, but its just today we get the first official hi-res video. The teaser shows the PSP2 gameplay capabilities, demonstrates a few games, but most importantly we get to see what the new games will look like. You are about to see actual gameplay footage of Uncharted, Killzone, WipEout, Little Big Planet, Resistance, etc.

In case you need a quick refresh, the next PSP NGP will be based on a quad-core ARM Cortex A9 processor, quad-core PoverVR SGX543MP4+ graphics and will pack a 5-inch OLED touchscreen, back-facing multi-touch pad, the same sticks, keys and triggers as the PS3 latest controller, Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS and Bluetooth.

The PSP NGP will also have the same six-axis motion sensing control system as the PlayStation Move a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer. There is a three-axis compass too.


Video Below!


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