Sony S1 and S2 tablets shown off in Germany

4 July, 2011 Sony Ericsson


Sony Android tablets have been official for a while now but there is tantalizingly little info on either of them. Tech geeks in Munich however got lucky enough to be treated to a quick hands on.


The Sony S1 tablet reportedly felt okay to hold and weighs 600g or so. The tablet runs Android 3.0 but with a heavily modified UI. It played the classic Crash Bandicoot in 4:3 aspect, with the bars around the image reserved for the game controls. There is a proprietary USB port but Sony did not say much on what adapters might connect to it.


The Sony S2 stars in a quick hands-on video its interesting to see how the two 5.5″ screens work together to form one bigger screen. Like the S1, the Sony S2 tablet sports a PlayStation logo and might provide some Nintendo DS-like gaming experience.


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