Spotify Launching In The US!

16 January, 2011 Technology


Despite almost constant speculation and various false starts there has been about as much chance of Spotify launching in the US as there has been of the Pope writing the foreward to Richard Dawkins new book. However, we are maybe and I do stress the word maybe very strongly, on the cusp of the actual American Spotify launch.

The New York Post is reporting that Spotify have secured the backing of Sony in America and are just days away from signing a deal with them. The Post also reports that in addition to Sony Spotify has the support of another, unnamed, record label. An anonymous music industry executive told the Post "Spotify is launching in the US, for sure. They've got the deals now".

The main problem for Spotify has been the record labels so if they really have managed to get them onboard this time it should mean the way is clear for a full blown launch. The labels have been wary of models that essentially give away music for free through advertising support as similar projects have failed in the past. Spotify, however, seems to be doing pretty well across Europe and with America being the world biggest market for music its a vital market for Spotify to get involved in.


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