T-Mobile UK and Orange UK Share their 3G Network

12 October, 2011 Technology

T-Mobile UK and Orange UK are continuing their push towards unification of their networks, the so-called big switch-on plan. Now, the two carriers form Everything Everywhere, the biggest communications company in the UK, and are about to start sharing their 3G networks very soon.

That means if you are a customer of either carrier, you can use the other 3G network to access the Internet at no extra charge or anything in effect, it would be no different than using your home network.

The upside is that it will improve coverage and data speeds. The "big 3G switch-on" starts rolling out next week by regions and should complete in a few months.
T-Mobile UK and Orange UK already share their 2G networks meaning calling and texting. A total of 1.7 million hours of calls have been made and 5 billion texts have been sent by people hooked up to the other network.



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