The Motorola Xoom tablet comes to Europe in 3G and Wi-Fi versions (MWC11)

14 February, 2011 Motorola

Motorola Xoom


Great news, the Motorola Xoom tablet will make it for an European release after all. This was announced today at the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona.

gsmarena 001 The Motorola Xoom tablet comes to Europe in 3G and Wi Fi versions

Previously, the Xoom was to be expected just in the US, but now we know, it will be available in the Old Continent as well starting from Q2 of 2011. You wil have a choice of models 3GZFi or a Wi-Fi version only, whichever suits your needs best. This is not the only Motorola device that was announced to fly over the Atlantic by Motorola today. The Motorola Pro (Droid Pro) is heading to Europe.


We already got a post walking you through the features and specifications of the Motorla Xoom, so you are welcome to take a peak there as well.


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