The Next iPod Touch

5 August, 2010 Apple

Disclosure: The photo above isn't supposed to be the next iPod touch. It's a photo mock upthat one case manufacturer apparently made to match the specs provided by Apple. As you can clearly see, though, there's a rear-facing camera with flash. Does this mean Apple is finally ready to put a camera in the Touch?

If you recall last year about this time, there was leak after leak after leak after leakindicating that the next iPod touch incarnation was getting a camera. But then the Stevenote rolled around and it didn’t happen. The rumor mill stated that it was due to some manufacturing snafu, but no one really knows. Instead the iPod nano got the camera.

Perhaps it will be different this time around. The last iPod touch refresh happened in early September, just in time for the holiday spending spree, so hopefully Apple will spill the beans within a few weeks.


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