The Nintendo 3DS torn to pieces

5 March, 2011 Technology


The Nintendo 3DS is the latest gadget to reveal its inner secrets to the guys over at iFixit. In all of its 3D prowess and gaming glory, straight from Japan, this little bad boy has two displays, special gaming controls and a 3D switch. Lets check out what the iFixit team has dug up.

The Nintendo 3DS top display is made of two display layers and relies on a parallax barrier to provide the stereoscopic imagery. Turning the 3D mode to on, you activate both layers with each layer displaying objects slightly offset. When looked at from a specific distance, the offset image on the screen is perceived as multi-dimensional.


The bottom QVGA screen of the device is a resistive touch screen. Its used to control the console and navigate through menus and games. The Nintendo 3DS comes with with a metal stylus slotted in the body of the console to help with the interaction.


The iFixit team does rant a little about battery life, quoting the 1300mAh 5Wh Li-Ion battery at a "measly 3-5 hours in 3D mode". A curious feature of the 3DS is that when you blow in the microphone, the background icons in the main menu spin in a tornado pattern.

gsmarena 002 The Nintendo 3DS torn to pieces by the iFixit guys


Overall the Nintendo 3DS got the average 5 out of 10 repairability score (10 being good, 1 bad). The latest portable gaming console by Nintendo is expected to hit the US market on 27 March.



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