Thimble is a Bluetooth accessory concept that helps visually impaired

2 January, 2011 Technology

thimblegrab Thimble is a Bluetooth accessory concept that helps visually impaired

There are no doubts the mobile technology could be a force for good. The so called Thimble concept we will be discussing today perfectly illustrates that.

The idea here is to connect what looks like a Bluetooth-enabled one-finger glove with a mobile phone to transmit information to visually impaired. The mentioned glove takes ambient input from an embedded camera and relays it in via a tactile grid to the wearer finger in Braille. Additionally, it can also handle RSS feeds, books and I guess any other text.

Sounds promising but unfortunately not like something that would excite today venture capital industry. Maybe some government-sponsored institution could support it, but that usually translates into long time to market. Still, Thimble is an awesome concept that tackles a real-life problem of visually impaired people and we do hope someone will do something about it.


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