Tiny Wings Updated with Game Center Support and Many other Features

25 March, 2011 Apps


Tiny Wings has become an almost daily play for me. The new iOS game from Andreas Illiger is not only super-easy to play, its darn addictive. If you have the game loaded up on your iPhone, you will know exactly what I mean. With that in mind, some quick update news for those of you that are addicted as much as I am.

Earlier today, a Tiny Wings update popped up in the App Store, and its quite a deep revision. Its worth the update, and here is why key updates include:

  • Game Center support
  • More leaderboard categories
  • A new nest, and new nests page
  • Ability to play your own music
  • Onscreen fever time counter


Besides those key updates, a number of changes to the game have been integrated as well. The 6th island is a little easier, and the title screen has been tweaked a bit. On top of that, there is the usual batch of bug fixes to make Tiny Wings more stable and playable than ever.


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