Toshiba Prepping Its Own Win Phone 7 Handset

29 September, 2010 Microsoft

Toshiba windows phone 7


Toshiba may be the latest manufacturer to have thrown its hat into the Windows Phone 7 ring after a filing with the GCF (aka Global Certification Forum) mentioned a certain Toshiba TG03. Now there had been a TG03 from Toshiba earlier in the year, which was taken to be a Windows Mobile handset, but it never actually appeared. The thinking therefore is that it was scrapped in favour of going with the Win Phone 7 rather than the older Windows Mobile and thus this new appearance of the TG03 is in fact the Windows Phone 7 version.

Of course one has to remember that Toshiba is not a named launch partner for Windows Phone 7 so this could all just be pie in the sky. Having said that Toshiba could still release a Win Phone 7 handset soon after the platform becomes official as Acer is planning to do. In fact being slightly behind the curve here might actually be a good move as it would give them time to fine tune their handset once the initial reaction to Win Phone 7 has been assessed.

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